Strong Men in Marriage
Fellows, no matter what the feminists say, no woman wants to marry a weak man. I don't care what a woman says about submission, they want a man they respect enough to entrust their life to. Gloria Steinem, the queen of the feminist movement, once said, "We women have finally become the men we always wanted to marry." Women are looking for a real man, not abusive, not quick tempered, not rude or arrogant, and certainly not passive, but men who will make her feel safe, protected, and will lead her with strong unconditional love.
--Rev. Tommy Nelson
I first heard Rev. Nelson on Dr. James Dobson's radio program, Focus On The Family I've linked these two broadcasts for you to enjoy Rev. Nelson's view of romance, dating, sex, and marriage. He teaches all of this from the Song of Solomon with great insight and humor. I hope you enjoy it!
Please note that this is not recommended listening for children
Okay, so you admit it—dating can be a pain! But does that mean you should give up on relationships all together? Tommy Nelson shares from the Song of Solomon, and presents the secrets to building solid, Christ-centered dating relationships. Find out how you can master the art of courtship!
Rev. Tommy Nelson continues to offer wisdom for dating and married couples based on the Song of Solomon. He unpacks the imagery of "foxes that ruin the vineyards," equating them with dangers that threaten romantic relationships, such as unresolved conflict, poor communication and premarital sex. He also discusses the Song of Solomon's celebration of sex within the marriage relationship.
My wife and I have attended one of his seminars. AWESOME!
And I agree wholeheartedly with jls. We have abdicated our role and in the vacuum women have attempted to step in.
Jim Duggan, At
9:13 PM
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