Maybe I can share something...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


As most of you know by now, I have resigned my position with the Dixie Echoes Quartet. Last night I sent out an email to my family, close friends, and a few fans telling about my decision and all that is taking place in my life at this time. After that I attempted to update my blog with that information but just couldn't seem to get the words to come together. So tonight I decided that I said it all just fine in the email so I'll just share that letter with you!

Hey ya'll,

Just wanted to let all of you know about some changes taking place in our family! First off, for those of you who have not heard Valerie and I are expecting our first child around the beginning of the year. The due date is set for January 2, 2008! Valerie is right around 18 weeks and doing great. The most recent doctors visit showed the baby's heartbeat still hovering around 160 bpm. The next doctors appointment will be around August 14th. At that time we'll do the "big" ultrasound and find out if its going to be a boy or girl! So far everything is right on track for a completely normal and healthy pregnancy!!

Secondly, Valerie and I are both going through some job changes. Valerie is staying in the teaching profession but has accepted a job teaching 1st grade at Northwood Elementary School in Crestview, Florida which is about 25 miles east of where we live now in Milton. And this past Sunday I gave my resignation to the Dixie Echoes. I've been praying about this career change for quite some time now. It certainly wasn't an easy decision but I truly feel it is the right one for myself and my family at this time. My final concert with the Dixie Echoes will be August 19 in Crossett, Arkansas at Rolfe Chapel Freewill Baptist Church.

As for what my future holds, I am in the process of taking the necessary steps for entering police academy. Law enforcement has long been an interest to me and I'm really excited about pursuing this career path. Today, 8/31, I will be taking the Florida Basic Abilities Test(FBAT) which is required of all candidates to enter the academy. Upon passing the test I will then be able to apply for the academy. If accepted, I will begin classes on August 21st. I will be attending the night classes which will allow me to maintain a full-time job and still complete the academy training, which should be done in roughly 10 1/2 - 11 months. At that time I will be eligible for the State Officer Certification Exam, and upon passing that exam I will then be able to apply for any law enforcement job in the state of Florida. I am still looking for a full-time job in the Crestview area. Hopefully something will open up in the very near future. But it is going to be slightly difficult since our travel schedule for my remaining time is very hectic, only allowing me 2 1/2 - 3 days home at a time. This has been a very, very, big decision for me. Most of you know that southern gospel music has been, and still is my passion. But due to the culmination of many circumstances I feel the need to be at home for now.

Please keep Valerie and I in your prayers as we make these adjustments in our lives. Who knows, after having me home full-time for a few weeks she might want me to get back on the road!! We are currently looking for a new place to live in the Crestview area and will be moving within the next couple of months. Once again, please keep us in your prayers as we each start new jobs and as our lives begin to change forever with the addition of our first child. We're resting in God's leading and anxiously waiting to see what the future holds.

Tracy Crouch

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Baby Update!

Monday 7/23, Valerie went for her 16 week check-up. Nothing major to report at this time. The doctor checked the heartbeat which is still around 160 bpm. Thus far everything is on track for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby! We'll go back around August 20th-ish for the 20 week check-up and ultrasound. This will be the big complete, detailed ultrasound where we'll be able to find out the sex of the child!! So for those of you who have been wondering, yes, we do want to know what it is. So keep watching around that date for a new update with an ultrasound pic hopefully!! Thanks to all of you that have been keeping us in your prayers! Also I would ask you to pray for a very special unspoken request. Thanks for reading and taking an interest in my basically uneventful life!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Mystery Of Believing

Taken from "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers

"He said, 'Who are You, Lord?'" (Acts 9:5).

Through the miracle of redemption, Saul of Tarsus was instantly changed from a strong-willed and forceful Pharisee into a humble and devoted bondservant of the Lord Jesus.

There is nothing miraculous or mysterious about the things we can explain. We control what we are able to explain, consequently it is only natural to seek an explanation for everything. It is not natural to obey, yet it is not necessarily sinful to disobey. There can be no real disobedience, nor any moral virtue in obedience, unless a person recognizes the higher authority of the one giving the orders. If this recognition does not exist, even the one giving the orders may view the other person's disobedience as freedom. If one rules another by saying, "You must do this," and, "You will do that," he breaks the human spirit, making it unfit for God. A person is simply a slave for obeying, unless behind his obedience is the recognition of a holy God.

Many people begin coming to God once they stop being religious, because there is only one master of the human heart--Jesus Christ, not religion. But "Woe is me" if after seeing Him I still will not obey (Isaiah 6:5, also see verse 1). Jesus will never insist that I obey, but if I don't, I have already begun to sign the death certificate of the Son of God in my soul. When I stand face to face with Jesus Christ and say, "I will not obey," He will never insist. But when I do this, I am backing away from the recreating power of His redemption. It makes no difference to God's grace what an abomination I am, if I will only come to the light. But "Woe is me" if I refuse the light (see John 3:19-21).

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hal Kennedy Reunites With The Dixie Echoes & Florida Boys

During the J.G. Whitfield Memorial Sing we had the opportunity to reunite with many friends, family, and former members of our respective groups. One of these members was Hal Kennedy. Many of you may remember Hal's days with the Dixie Echoes traveling with the group as a soloist. He was dubbed, "The little man, with a big voice", and Hal proved he still has that big voice. On this short video clip you'll see my favorite part of the entire evening. Randy brings Hal up to the microphone and remembers that Hal used to be the voice that introduced the "Gospel Singing Jubilee" television show. So Hal took off into that intro and some quick thinking by Derrell Stewart at the piano led us right into that classic beginning that many of you heard every Sunday morning. After that Hal gave us his signature rendition of the great song "Until Then". Hope you enjoy this short video as much as we enjoyed being a part of it!